
Sunday, January 01, 2012

A new Corn-Free Magazine

Due to difficult economic times, which has lead to a lack of time I can devote to the list. I've started an online newsletter/magazine to help pay some bills, so I can devote more of my time here. The first edition will be out on the 15th of this month.

I have great plans for this newsletter, and the more subscribers the more I will be able to do. It should be a time-saver for those of you who aren't able to spend 24/7 in the forums. And while I'm not yet setup for it, I do plan publishing in the newsletter anything I remove or add to "The List" so you won't have to scan the entire list to see what's new (in the future anyway).

I also get offers now and then, and those that subscribe will get first notice/chance at it.

Corn-Free Post signup

For only $2.99 an issue, direct to your email inbox.


  1. I just ordered. Will this be a monthly subscription?

  2. MizCastle - Yes this will be a monthly subscription, monthly newsletter/magazine.

  3. OK so I just barely signed up... a day after the first edition was sent. I got charged for January, will I still get the first magazine? Just wanted to make sure. Thanks! :D

  4. Jen R - The subscriptions go from the 15th to the 14th of each month. If you subscribe after the 14th of the month, it puts you in the queue for the next edition. So you're signed up for the February edition.

  5. Things have been crazy lately. I do try to get out the newsletter by the 15th of the month, but that doesn't always happen. The billing for the newsletter is as follows: From the 15th of the month -14th of the next month is the subscription for the next month. Aka, if your subscription is entered on the 14th of December, you'll start with December's edition. If it's on the 24th of December, you'll start with January's edition.

    I may not always publish on the 15th as I'd like to, but if you paid for an edition, you will get it at least by the end of the month.

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